How To Set Up SSH Keys

About SSH Keys

SSH keys provide a more secure way of logging into a virtual private server with SSH than using a password alone. While a password can eventually be cracked with a brute force attack, SSH keys are nearly impossible to decipher by brute force alone. Generating a key pair provides you with two long string of characters: a public and a private key. You can place the public key on any server, and then unlock it by connecting to it with a client that already has the private key. When the two match up, the system unlocks without the need for a password. You can increase security even more by protecting the private key with a passphrase.

Step One—Create the RSA Key Pair

The first step is to create the key pair on the client machine (there is a good chance that this will just be your computer):

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Step Two—Store the Keys and Passphrase

Once you have entered the Gen Key command, you will get a few more questions:

Enter file in which to save the key (/home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa):

You can press enter here, saving the file to the user home (in this case, my example user is called demo).

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

It’s up to you whether you want to use a passphrase. Entering a passphrase does have its benefits: the security of a key, no matter how encrypted, still depends on the fact that it is not visible to anyone else. Should a passphrase-protected private key fall into an unauthorized users possession, they will be unable to log in to its associated accounts until they figure out the passphrase, buying the hacked user some extra time. The only downside, of course, to having a passphrase, is then having to type it in each time you use the Key Pair.

The entire key generation process looks like this:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/demo/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
4a:dd:0a:c6:35:4e:3f:ed:27:38:8c:74:44:4d:93:67 demo@a
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|          .oo.   |
|         .  o.E  |
|        + .  o   |
|     . = = .     |
|      = S = .    |
|     o + = +     |
|      . o + o .  |
|           . o   |
|                 |

The public key is now located in /home/demo/.ssh/ The private key (identification) is now located in /home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa

Step Three—Copy the Public Key

Once the key pair is generated, it’s time to place the public key on the virtual server that we want to use.

You can copy the public key into the new machine’s authorized_keys file with the ssh-copy-id command. Make sure to replace the example username and IP address below.

ssh-copy-id user@

Alternatively, you can paste in the keys using SSH:

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >>  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

No matter which command you chose, you should see something like:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is b1:2d:33:67:ce:35:4d:5f:f3:a8:cd:c0:c4:48:86:12.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
user@'s password: 
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'user@'", and check in:


to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.

Now you can go ahead and log into user@ and you will not be prompted for a password. However, if you set a passphrase, you will be asked to enter the passphrase at that time (and whenever else you log in in the future).

Optional Step Four—Disable the Password for Root Login

Once you have copied your SSH keys unto your server and ensured that you can log in with the SSH keys alone, you can go ahead and restrict the root login to only be permitted via SSH keys.

In order to do this, open up the SSH config file:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Within that file, find the line that includes PermitRootLogin and modify it to ensure that users can only connect with their SSH key:

PermitRootLogin without-password

Put the changes into effect:

reload ssh

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What do the terms FXS and FXO mean?

FXS and FXO are the name of ports used by Analog phone lines (also known as POTS – Plain Old Telephone Service) or phones.

FXS – Foreign eXchange Subscriber interface is the port that actually delivers the analog line to the subscriber. In other words it is the ‘plug on the wall’ that delivers a dialtone, battery current and ring voltage.

FXO – Foreign eXchange Office interface is the port that receives the analog line. It is the plug on the phone or fax machine, or the plug(s) on your analog phone system. It delivers an on-hook/off-hook indication (loop closure). Since the FXO port is attached to a device, such as a fax or phone, the device is often called the ‘FXO device’.

FXO and FXS are always paired, i.e similar to a male / female plug.

Without a PBX, a phone is connected directly to the FXS port provided by a telephone company.

fxs/fxo without a pbx
FXS / FXO without a PBX

If you have a PBX, then you connect the lines provided by the telephone company to the PBX and then the phones to the PBX. Therefore, the PBX must have both FXO ports (to connect to the FXS ports provided by the telephone company) and FXS ports (to connect the phone or fax devices to).

fxs/fxo with a pbx
FXS / FXO with a PBX



You will come across the terms FXS and FXO when deciding to buy equipment that allows you to connect analog phones to a VOIP Phone System or traditional PBXs to a VOIP service provider or to each other via the Internet.

An FXO gateway

To connect analog phone lines to an IP phone system you need an FXO gateway. This allows you to connect the FXS port to the FXO port of the gateway, which then translates the analog phone line to a VOIP call. There are a number of different FXO gateways available. You can view different types that 3CX Phone System supports here.

FXO gateway

An FXS gateway

An FXS gateway is used to connect one or more lines of a traditional PBX to a VOIP phone system or provider. Alternatively, you can use it to connect analog phones to it and re-use your analog phones with a VoIP phone system. You need an FXS gateway because you want to connect the FXO ports (which normally are connected to the telephone company) to the Internet or a VOIP system.

FXS gateway

An FXS adapter a.k.a. ATA adapter

An FXS adapter is used to connect an analog phone or fax machine to a VOIP phone system or to a VOIP provider. You need this because you need to connect the FXO port of the phone/fax machine to the adapter.

FXS (ATA) adaptor

FXS/ FXO gateways are widely available. 3CX Phone System for Windows automatically configures FXS/FXO Gateways to allow you to easily continue using your existing PSTN lines and/or analog phones. You can download the Free edition here

More information about FXS / FXO and VoIP in general can be found in our SIP / VoIP Video tutorials, ‘Voip Nuggets’. VoIP Nuggets are short youtube technical training tutorials about VoIP & SIP. Click here for the latest list of VoIP Nuggets.



FXS/ FXO procedures – how it technically works

If you are interested to know in more technical detail how an FXS/ FXO port interoperate, here is the exact sequence:

When you wish to place a call:

  1. You pick up the phone (the FXO device). The FXS port detects that you have gone off hook.
  2. You dial the phone number, which is passed as Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) digits to the FXS port.

Inbound call:

  1. The FXS port receives a call, and then sends a ring voltage to the attached FXO device.
  2. The phone rings
  3. As soon as you pick up the phone you can answer the call.

Ending the call – normally the FXS port relies on either of the connected FXO devices to end the call.

Note: The analog phone line passes approximately 50 volts DC power to the FXS port. That’s why you get a faint ‘shock’ when you touch a connected phone line. This allows a call to be made in the event of a power cut.

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What is Collision Domain & Broadcast Domain

We have talked about collision domain in switch and hub. So, what is collision domain, broadcast domain and how to count them ?What is collision domain and broadcast domain ?Collision Domain is a group of Ethernet or Fast Ethernet devices in a CSMA/CD LAN
that are connected and compete for access on the network. Only one device in the collision domain may transmit at any one time, and the other devices in the domain listen to the network in order to avoid data collisions. A collision domain is sometimes referred to as an Ethernet segment.

Broadcast Domain, broadcasting sends a message to everyone on the local network (subnet). An example for Broadcasting would be DHCP Request from a Client PC. The Client is asking for a IP Address, but the client does not know how to reach the DHCP Server. So the client sends a DHCP Discover packet to EVERY PC in the local subnet (Broadcast). But only the DHCP Server will answer to the Request. Another simple example is if we have LAN segment, then we can say that all IP addresses range of are in the same broadcast domain.

How to count Collision and Broadcast Domain ?

Please refer to post 1.1 Difference Between Switch and Hub for basic understanding about switch and hub.

Collision Domain on Switch :
Each connection from a single PC to a Layer 2 switch is ONE Collision domain. For example, if 2 PCs are connected with separate cables to a switch, so we have 2 Collision domains. If this switch is connected to another switch or a router, we have one collision domain more (3 collision domain in total). Please refer to figure 1.1.1.

Figure 1.1.1. Collision Domain on Switch

Collision Domain on Hub :
If 2 Devices are connected to a Hub, this is ONE Collision Domain. Each device that is connected to a Layer 1 device (repeater, hub) will reside in ONE single collision domain. If a hub or repeater connected to a switch on LAN, the collision domain on LAN will remain the same. Hub or repeater just extend collision domain from switch’s port connected to it. Please refer to figure 1.1.2.

Figure 1.1.2. Collision Domain on Hub

Broadcast Domain :
No matter how many hosts or devices are connected together, if they are connected with a repeater, hub, switch or bridge, all these devices are in ONE Broadcast domain (assuming a single VLAN). A Router is used to separate Broadcast-Domains (we could also call them Subnets – or call them VLANs). So, if a router stands between all these devices, we have TWO broadcast domains. Please refer to figure 1.1.3

Figure 1.1.3. Broadcast Domain
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Introduction to VLAN

Virtual Local Area Networks

1.0 Introduction

A Local Area Network (LAN) was originally defined as a network of computers located within the same area. Today, Local Area Networks are defined as a single broadcast domain. This means that if a user broadcasts information on his/her LAN, the broadcast will be received by every other user on the LAN. Broadcasts are prevented from leaving a LAN by using a router. The disadvantage of this method is routers usually take more time to process incoming data compared to a bridge or a switch. More importantly, the formation of broadcast domains depends on the physical connection of the devices in the network. Virtual Local Area Networks (VLAN’s) were developed as an alternative solution to using routers to contain broadcast traffic.

In Section 2, we define VLAN’s and examine the difference between a LAN and a VLAN. This is followed by a discussion on the advantages VLAN’s introduce to a network in Section 3. Finally, we explain how VLAN’s work based on the current draft standards in Section 4.

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2.0 What are VLAN’s?

In a traditional LAN, workstations are connected to each other by means of a hub or a repeater. These devices propagate any incoming data throughout the network. However, if two people attempt to send information at the same time, a collision will occur and all the transmitted data will be lost. Once the collision has occurred, it will continue to be propagated throughout the network by hubs and repeaters. The original information will therefore need to be resent after waiting for the collision to be resolved, thereby incurring a significant wastage of time and resources. To prevent collisions from traveling through all the workstations in the network, a bridge or a switch can be used. These devices will not forward collisions, but will allow broadcasts (to every user in the network) and multicasts (to a pre-specified group of users) to pass through. A router may be used to prevent broadcasts and multicasts from traveling through the network.

The workstations, hubs, and repeaters together form a LAN segment. A LAN segment is also known as a collision domain since collisions remain within the segment. The area within which broadcasts and multicasts are confined is called a broadcast domain or LAN. Thus a LAN can consist of one or more LAN segments. Defining broadcast and collision domains in a LAN depends on how the workstations, hubs, switches, and routers are physically connected together. This means that everyone on a LAN must be located in the same area (see Figure1).


Figure 1: Physical view of a LAN.

VLAN’s allow a network manager to logically segment a LAN into different broadcast domains (see Figure2). Since this is a logical segmentation and not a physical one, workstations do not have to be physically located together. Users on different floors of the same building, or even in different buildings can now belong to the same LAN.


Physical View


Logical View

Figure 2: Physical and logical view of a VLAN.

VLAN’s also allow broadcast domains to be defined without using routers. Bridging software is used instead to define which workstations are to be included in the broadcast domain. Routers would only have to be used to communicate between two VLAN’s [ Hein et al].

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3.0 Why use VLAN’s?

VLAN’s offer a number of advantages over traditional LAN’s. They are:

1) Performance

In networks where traffic consists of a high percentage of broadcasts and multicasts, VLAN’s can reduce the need to send such traffic to unnecessary destinations. For example, in a broadcast domain consisting of 10 users, if the broadcast traffic is intended only for 5 of the users, then placing those 5 users on a separate VLAN can reduce traffic [ Passmore et al (3Com report)].

Compared to switches, routers require more processing of incoming traffic. As the volume of traffic passing through the routers increases, so does the latency in the routers, which results in reduced performance. The use of VLAN’s reduces the number of routers needed, since VLAN’s create broadcast domains using switches instead of routers.

2) Formation of Virtual Workgroups

Nowadays, it is common to find cross-functional product development teams with members from different departments such as marketing, sales, accounting, and research. These workgroups are usually formed for a short period of time. During this period, communication between members of the workgroup will be high. To contain broadcasts and multicasts within the workgroup, a VLAN can be set up for them. With VLAN’s it is easier to place members of a workgroup together. Without VLAN’s, the only way this would be possible is to physically move all the members of the workgroup closer together.

However, virtual workgroups do not come without problems. Consider the situation where one user of the workgroup is on the fourth floor of a building, and the other workgroup members are on the second floor. Resources such as a printer would be located on the second floor, which would be inconvenient for the lone fourth floor user.

Another problem with setting up virtual workgroups is the implementation of centralized server farms, which are essentially collections of servers and major resources for operating a network at a central location. The advantages here are numerous, since it is more efficient and cost-effective to provide better security, uninterrupted power supply, consolidated backup, and a proper operating environment in a single area than if the major resources were scattered in a building. Centralized server farms can cause problems when setting up virtual workgroups if servers cannot be placed on more than one VLAN. In such a case, the server would be placed on a single VLAN and all other VLAN’s trying to access the server would have to go through a router; this can reduce performance [Netreference Inc. article].

3) Simplified Administration

Seventy percent of network costs are a result of adds, moves, and changes of users in the network [ Buerger]. Every time a user is moved in a LAN, recabling, new station addressing, and reconfiguration of hubs and routers becomes necessary. Some of these tasks can be simplified with the use of VLAN’s. If a user is moved within a VLAN, reconfiguration of routers is unnecessary. In addition, depending on the type of VLAN, other administrative work can be reduced or eliminated [ Cisco white paper]. However the full power of VLAN’s will only really be felt when good management tools are created which can allow network managers to drag and drop users into different VLAN’s or to set up aliases.

Despite this saving, VLAN’s add a layer of administrative complexity, since it now becomes necessary to manage virtual workgroups [ Passmore et al (3Com report)].

4) Reduced Cost

VLAN’s can be used to create broadcast domains which eliminate the need for expensive routers.

5) Security

Periodically, sensitive data may be broadcast on a network. In such cases, placing only those users who can have access to that data on a VLAN can reduce the chances of an outsider gaining access to the data. VLAN’s can also be used to control broadcast domains, set up firewalls, restrict access, and inform the network manager of an intrusion [ Passmore et al (3Com report)].

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4.0 How VLAN’s work

When a LAN bridge receives data from a workstation, it tags the data with a VLAN identifier indicating the VLAN from which the data came. This is called explicit tagging. It is also possible to determine to which VLAN the data received belongs using implicit tagging. In implicit tagging the data is not tagged, but the VLAN from which the data came is determined based on other information like the port on which the data arrived. Tagging can be based on the port from which it came, the source Media Access Control (MAC) field, the source network address, or some other field or combination of fields. VLAN’s are classified based on the method used. To be able to do the tagging of data using any of the methods, the bridge would have to keep an updated database containing a mapping between VLAN’s and whichever field is used for tagging. For example, if tagging is by port, the database should indicate which ports belong to which VLAN. This database is called a filtering database. Bridges would have to be able to maintain this database and also to make sure that all the bridges on the LAN have the same information in each of their databases. The bridge determines where the data is to go next based on normal LAN operations. Once the bridge determines where the data is to go, it now needs to determine whether the VLAN identifier should be added to the data and sent. If the data is to go to a device that knows about VLAN implementation (VLAN-aware), the VLAN identifier is added to the data. If it is to go to a device that has no knowledge of VLAN implementation (VLAN-unaware), the bridge sends the data without the VLAN identifier.

In order to understand how VLAN’s work, we need to look at the types of VLAN’s, the types of connections between devices on VLAN’s, the filtering database which is used to send traffic to the correct VLAN, and tagging, a process used to identify the VLAN originating the data.

VLAN Standard: IEEE 802.1Q Draft Standard

There has been a recent move towards building a set of standards for VLAN products. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is currently working on a draft standard 802.1Q for VLAN’s. Up to this point, products have been proprietary, implying that anyone wanting to install VLAN’s would have to purchase all products from the same vendor. Once the standards have been written and vendors create products based on these standards, users will no longer be confined to purchasing products from a single vendor. The major vendors have supported these standards and are planning on releasing products based on them. It is anticipated that these standards will be ratified later this year.

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4.1 Types of VLAN’s

VLAN membership can be classified by port, MAC address, and protocol type.

1) Layer 1 VLAN: Membership by Port

Membership in a VLAN can be defined based on the ports that belong to the VLAN. For example, in a bridge with four ports, ports 1, 2, and 4 belong to VLAN 1 and port 3 belongs to VLAN 2 (see Figure3).

1 1
2 1
3 2
4 1

Figure3: Assignment of ports to different VLAN’s.

The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not allow for user mobility. If a user moves to a different location away from the assigned bridge, the network manager must reconfigure the VLAN.

2) Layer 2 VLAN: Membership by MAC Address

Here, membership in a VLAN is based on the MAC address of the workstation. The switch tracks the MAC addresses which belong to each VLAN (see Figure4). Since MAC addresses form a part of the workstation’s network interface card, when a workstation is moved, no reconfiguration is needed to allow the workstation to remain in the same VLAN. This is unlike Layer 1 VLAN’s where membership tables must be reconfigured.

MAC Address VLAN
1212354145121 1
2389234873743 2
3045834758445 2
5483573475843 1

Figure4: Assignment of MAC addresses to different VLAN’s.

The main problem with this method is that VLAN membership must be assigned initially. In networks with thousands of users, this is no easy task. Also, in environments where notebook PC’s are used, the MAC address is associated with the docking station and not with the notebook PC. Consequently, when a notebook PC is moved to a different docking station, its VLAN membership must be reconfigured.

3) Layer 2 VLAN: Membership by Protocol Type

VLAN membership for Layer 2 VLAN’s can also be based on the protocol type field found in the Layer 2 header (see Figure5).

Protocol VLAN
IP 1

Figure5: Assignment of protocols to different VLAN’s.

4) Layer 3 VLAN: Membership by IP Subnet Address

Membership is based on the Layer 3 header. The network IP subnet address can be used to classify VLAN membership (see Figure 6).

IP Subnet VLAN
23.2.24 1
26.21.35 2

Figure6: Assignment of IP subnet addresses to different VLAN’s.

Although VLAN membership is based on Layer 3 information, this has nothing to do with network routing and should not be confused with router functions. In this method, IP addresses are used only as a mapping to determine membership in VLAN’s. No other processing of IP addresses is done.

In Layer 3 VLAN’s, users can move their workstations without reconfiguring their network addresses. The only problem is that it generally takes longer to forward packets using Layer 3 information than using MAC addresses.

5) Higher Layer VLAN’s

It is also possible to define VLAN membership based on applications or service, or any combination thereof. For example, file transfer protocol (FTP) applications can be executed on one VLAN and telnet applications on another VLAN.

The 802.1Q draft standard defines Layer 1 and Layer 2 VLAN’s only. Protocol type based VLAN’s and higher layer VLAN’s have been allowed for, but are not defined in this standard. As a result, these VLAN’s will remain proprietary.

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4.2 Types of Connections

Devices on a VLAN can be connected in three ways based on whether the connected devices are VLAN-aware or VLAN-unaware. Recall that a VLAN-aware device is one which understands VLAN memberships (i.e. which users belong to a VLAN) and VLAN formats.

1) Trunk Link

All the devices connected to a trunk link, including workstations, must be VLAN-aware. All frames on a trunk link must have a special header attached. These special frames are called tagged frames (see Figure7).


Figure7: Trunk link between two VLAN-aware bridges.

2) Access Link

An access link connects a VLAN-unaware device to the port of a VLAN-aware bridge. All frames on access links must be implicitly tagged (untagged) (see Figure8). The VLAN-unaware device can be a LAN segment with VLAN-unaware workstations or it can be a number of LAN segments containing VLAN-unaware devices (legacy LAN).


Figure 8: Access link between a VLAN-aware bridge and a VLAN-unaware device.

3) Hybrid Link

This is a combination of the previous two links. This is a link where both VLAN-aware and VLAN-unaware devices are attached (see Figure9). A hybrid link can have both tagged and untagged frames, but allthe frames for a specific VLAN must be either tagged or untagged.


Figure9: Hybrid link containing both VLAN-aware and VLAN-unaware devices.

It must also be noted that the network can have a combination of all three types of links.

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4.3 Frame Processing

A bridge on receiving data determines to which VLAN the data belongs either by implicit or explicit tagging. In explicit tagging a tag header is added to the data. The bridge also keeps track of VLAN members in a filtering database which it uses to determine where the data is to be sent. Following is an explanation of the contents of the filtering database and the format and purpose of the tag header [802.1Q].

1) Filtering Database

Membership information for a VLAN is stored in a filtering database. The filtering database consists of the following types of entries:

i) Static Entries

Static information is added, modified, and deleted by management only. Entries are not automatically removed after some time (ageing), but must be explicitly removed by management. There are two types of static entries:

a) Static Filtering Entries: which specify for every port whether frames to be sent to a specific MAC address or group address and on a specific VLAN should be forwarded or discarded, or should follow the dynamic entry, and

b) Static Registration Entries: which specify whether frames to be sent to a specific VLAN are to be tagged or untagged and which ports are registered for that VLAN.

ii) Dynamic Entries

Dynamic entries are learned by the bridge and cannot be created or updated by management. The learning process observes the port from which a frame, with a given source address and VLAN ID (VID), is received, and updates the filtering database. The entry is updated only if all the following three conditions are satisfied:

a) this port allows learning,

b) the source address is a workstation address and not a group address, and

c) there is space available in the database.

Entries are removed from the database by the ageing out process where, after a certain amount of time specified by management (10 sec — 1000000 sec), entries allow automatic reconfiguration of the filtering database if the topology of the network changes. There are three types of dynamic entries:

a) Dynamic Filtering Entries: which specify whether frames to be sent to a specific MAC address and on a certain VLAN should be forwarded or discarded.

b) Group Registration Entries: which indicate for each port whether frames to be sent to a group MAC address and on a certain VLAN should be filtered or discarded. These entries are added and deleted using Group Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP). This allows multicasts to be sent on a single VLAN without affecting other VLAN’s.

c) Dynamic Registration Entries: which specify which ports are registered for a specific VLAN. Entries are added and deleted using GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP), where GARP is the Generic Attribute Registration Protocol.

GVRP is used not only to update dynamic registration entries, but also to communicate the information to other VLAN-aware bridges.

In order for VLAN’s to forward information to the correct destination, all the bridges in the VLAN should contain the same information in their respective filtering databases. GVRP allows both VLAN-aware workstations and bridges to issue and revoke VLAN memberships. VLAN-aware bridges register and propagate VLAN membership to all ports that are a part of the active topology of the VLAN. The active topology of a network is determined when the bridges are turned on or when a change in the state of the current topology is perceived.

The active topology is determined using a spanning tree algorithm which prevents the formation of loops in the network by disabling ports. Once an active topology for the network (which may contain several VLAN’s) is obtained, the bridges determine an active topology for each VLAN. This may result in a different topology for each VLAN or a common one for several VLAN’s. In either case, the VLAN topology will be a subset of the active topology of the network (see Figure 10).


Figure10: Active topology of network and VLAN A using spanning tree algorithm.

2) Tagging

When frames are sent across the network, there needs to be a way of indicating to which VLAN the frame belongs, so that the bridge will forward the frames only to those ports that belong to that VLAN, instead of to all output ports as would normally have been done. This information is added to the frame in the form of a tag header. In addition, the tag header:

i) allows user priority information to be specified,

ii) allows source routing control information to be specified, and

iii) indicates the format of MAC addresses.

Frames in which a tag header has been added are called tagged frames. Tagged frames convey the VLAN information across the network.

The tagged frames that are sent across hybrid and trunk links contain a tag header. There are two formats of the tag header:

i) Ethernet Frame Tag Header: The ethernet frame tag header (see Figure11) consists of a tag protocol identifier (TPID) and tag control information (TCI).


Figure11: Ethernet frame tag header.

ii) Token Ring and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) tag header: The tag headers for both token ring and FDDI networks consist of a SNAP-encoded TPID and TCI.


Figure12: Token ring and FDDI tag header.

TPID is the tag protocol identifier which indicates that a tag header is following and TCI (see Figure 13) contains the user priority, canonical format indicator (CFI), and the VLAN ID.


Figure13: Tag control information (TCI).

User priority is a 3 bit field which allows priority information to be encoded in the frame. Eight levels of priority are allowed, where zero is the lowest priority and seven is the highest priority. How this field is used is described in the supplement 802.1p.

The CFI bit is used to indicate that all MAC addresses present in the MAC data field are in canonical format. This field is interpreted differently depending on whether it is an ethernet-encoded tag header or a SNAP-encoded tag header. In SNAP-encoded TPID the field indicates the presence or absence of the canonical format of addresses. In ethernet-encoded TPID, it indicates the presence of the Source-Routing Information (RIF) field after the length field. The RIF field indicates routing on ethernet frames.

The VID field is used to uniquely identify the VLAN to which the frame belongs. There can be a maximum of (2 12 – 1) VLAN’s. Zero is used to indicate no VLAN ID, but that user priority information is present. This allows priority to be encoded in non-priority LAN’s.

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5.0 Summary

As we have seen there are significant advances in the field of networks in the form of VLAN’s which allow the formation of virtual workgroups, better security, improved performance, simplified administration, and reduced costs. VLAN’s are formed by the logical segmentation of a network and can be classified into Layer1, 2, 3 and higher layers. Only Layer 1 and 2 are specified in the draft standard 802.1Q. Tagging and the filtering database allow a bridge to determine the source and destination VLAN for received data. VLAN’s if implemented effectively, show considerable promise in future networking solutions.

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6.0 References

1) David Passmore, John Freeman, “The Virtual LAN Technology Report,” March 7, 1997,
A very good overview of VLAN’s, their strengths, weaknesses, and implementation problems.

2) IEEE, “Draft Standard for Virtual Bridge Local Area Networks,” P802.1Q/D1, May 16, 1997,
This is the draft standard for VLAN’s which covers implementation issues of Layer 1 and 2 VLAN’s.

3) Mathias Hein, David Griffiths, Orna Berry, “Switching Technology in the Local Network: From LAN to Switched LAN to Virtual LAN,” February 1997,
Textbook explanation of what VLAN’s are and their types.

7) Susan Biagi, “Virtual LANs,” Network VAR v4 n1 p. 10-12, January 1996,
An Overview of VLAN’s, advantages, and disadvantages.

8) David J. Buerger, “Virtual LAN cost savings will stay virtual until networking’s next era,” Network World, March 1995,
A short summary on VLAN’s.

9) IEEE, “Traffic Class Expediting and Dynamic Multicast Filtering,” 802.1p/D6, April 1997,
This is the standard for implementing priority and dynamic multicasts. Implementation of priority in VLAN’s is based on this standard.

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7.0 Abbreviations

  • CFI – Canonical Format Indicator
  • FDDI – Fiber Distributed Data Interface
  • FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • GARP – Generic Attribute Registration Protocol
  • GMRP – Group Multicast Registration Protocol
  • GVRP – GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
  • IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • LAN – Local Area Network
  • MAC – Media Access Control
  • RIF – Source-Routing Information
  • TCI – Tag Control Information
  • TPID – Tag Protocol Identifier
  • VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network

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Last Modified: August 14, 1997

Posted in Networking

Konfigurasi VNC Server Linux RHEL

Di asumsikan vnc server sudah terinstal dengan baik, jika vnc belum terinstall silahkan download di sini:

1. Setelah paket di download lakukan instalasi   rpm -ivh vnc-server-3.3.3r2-47.i386.rpm, kemudian aktifkan service vncserver dan jalankan


2. Untuk mengatifkan GUI, edit file xstartup yang berada di directory /.vnc, sebelumnya tambahkan juga password untuk mengakses vnc dengan perintah vncpasswd


3. Konfigurasi default dari file xstartup adalah sebagai berikut


4. Aktifkan unset SESION_MANAGER, dan /etc/x11/xinit/xinitrc, kemudian rubah twm menjadi startx (untuk GNOME) atau startkde (untuk KDE).


5. Setelah file xstartup selesai diedit kita bisa langsung melakukan remote dengan vnc server dengan mengetikan ipaddress  server yang bersangkutan atau hostnamenya diikuti dengan sesion vncserver, misalnya

Posted in Linux

Instalasi Squid proxy

Cek squid sudah terinstall atau belum dengan perintah berikut:

# rpm -qa |grep squid

Jika belum terinstall, silahkan install terlebih dahulu dengan menggunakan cd RedHatnya sendiri atau download dari sini. Kemudian copy file squid.conf sebelum melakukan konfigurasi.

# cp /etc/squid/squid.conf /etc/squid/
# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

Cari baris berikut dan rubah sesuai kebutuhan dan kapasitas komputer anda. Konfigurasi yang digunakan penulis sebagai berikut :

# Port yang akan dipakai sebagai listen squid
http_port 328

# Parameter yang berfungsi agar halaman web dinamik tidak masuk ke dalam cache
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

# Parameter cache_mem pemakaian RAM yang digunakan squid
# Besarannya biasa sepertiga dari RAM komputer
cache_mem 32 MB
maximum_object_size 256 KB
minimum_object_size 4 KB

# Jika ingin memblok situs-situs tertentu atau porno (sex,adult,porn.nude)
# Buat terlebih dahulu file /etc/squid/porno.txt yang berisi url yang akan di blok
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl mynetwork # Sesuaikan dengan ip jaringan lokal anda
acl bloking url_regex -i “/etc/squid/porno.txt”

http_access deny all
http_access deny bloking
http_access allow mynetwork

# Setting user dan group Squid
cache_effective_user squid squid

# Setting log-log direktorinya
cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log

# Setting direktori cache
cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/cache 100 16 256

Kemudian simpan konfigurasi tersebut dan lakukan perintah berikut untuk membuat cache direktori (sedikit agak lama) dan jalankan servicenya.

Beberapa command squid yang sering digunakan:

Clear squid cache:
# squid -f /etc/squid/squid.conf -z
# squid -z
# /etc/init.d/squid start

How to clear Squid cache?

It’s simple, use this command :
# squid -k rotate

This command rotate squid log files but also ‘clear squid cache’, without shutdown and restart squid. This command works in the situation where people have ‘a constant cache’ (refresh/reload a page doesn’t work) in their browser, and ‘clear cache’ without their notice.

What about squid -z?
squid -z is unlikely choice to clear cache if squid run consistently, because you must stop or shutdown squid before using squid -z. I will use squid -z to rebuild squid cache

Posted in Linux

Setting TFTP address on Cisco IP Phone 7961/7941

1. Press the Settings button on your phone.

2. Using the blue scroll button, press the down arrow until Option #2 ‘Network Configuration’ and press the ‘Select’ Softkey, or press the number 2 on your dial pad.

3. Press * * # on your dial pad. This will unlock the phone so you can edit the settings of the phone. To verify that you have successfully unlocked the phone, look at the top right corner of the screen and see a pad lock that is “unlocked”.

4. Scroll down to Option #24, “Alternate TFTP” and verify that it says YES. If it does not say YES, press the YES Softkey.

5. Scroll up to Option #8, “TFTP Server 1” or press 8 on your dial pad.

6. Press the EDIT softkey and enter in 207*34*32*100

7. Press the Validate softkey.

8. Press the Save softkey.

9. Press the Cancel softkey.

10. Press the Save softkey

11. At the bottom of the screen you should see “All changes Saved”

Posted in Cisco

Extract file on linux

To extract a tar.bz2 file, use the command (note the j option)


tar -jxvf filename.tar.bz2

To extract a tar.gz file, the the command (note the z option)


tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz

z is to handle files that were compressed using gzip.
x is to extract.
v is to be verbose about what is going on.
f is to force overwriting if it was already extracted.

Posted in Linux

Setting Squid Transparent Proxy

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-port 3128

* Edit file /etc/squid/squid.conf, tambah opsi ‘transparent’ pada tag http_port

http_port 3128 transparent

* httpd_accel_host virtual
* httpd_accel_port 80
* httpd_accel_with_proxy on
* httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

Posted in Linux

Blok ICMP dengan iptables

disable outgoing ICMP request?

Use the following rules:

iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp –icmp-type echo-request -j DROP


iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp –icmp-type 8 -j DROP

Enable ICMP:
To enable ICMP ping outgoing request use following iptables rule:

iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp –icmp-type 8 -s $SERVER_IP -d 0/0 -m state –state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p icmp –icmp-type 0 -s 0/0 -d $SERVER_IP -m state –state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

ICMP echo-request type will be block by above rule.

Posted in Linux, Uncategorized